Thursday, January 8, 2009

Joe Vitale Hypnotic Marketing 2.0

As fans of Joe Vitale know, he is recognized by many as the best copywriter in the U.S.

In Hypnotic Marketing 2.0, Joe shows "hypnotic tricks" you can use to get people to agree with you. These techniques really are good for anyone who wants to know how to write more persuasively.

In this popular ebook (loaded with additional bonuses), he gives information about his specially-designed four-step hypnotic formula. The formula enables the user to get massive free web traffic, something every internet marketer desires.

He shows how to deeply seduce prospects using "forbidden" persuasion techniques, all while putting customers into a buying trance.

The History of Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 goes all the way back to 1984. In that year, Joe finished writing his first book, Zen and the Art of Writing. He was soon to be excited and disappointed all at the same time. He was excited because he had produced his long anticipated book. He was disappointed because he had no idea of how to market the book.

After that, Joe was even more disappointed when he realized that many publishers did not know anything about marketing either. At that time, it seemed that they focused on getting the books in the bookstores and then hoped for a miracle. The trouble, at that time was that, though Joe did not know anything about marketing, he didn't care to learn anything either.

Things went from bad to worse. Joe hoped for a good job opportunity. He tried to snatch one by giving all of his money to a big oil and gas company that, in turn, promised to give him a high-paying job.

Then, BAM, the company went bankrupt, and the CEO even committed suicide!

Joe had lost everything. He was homeless for a while. He says that he didn't know what he would have done if it had not been for the local library that gave him a place to read (and sleep). He survived because of opportunities given by a couple of temporary work agencies.

Then Joe worked at countless jobs--among them, car-salesman, reporter, and cab driver. This went on for three decades.

Then he finally gave in and studied marketing. This lead to related studies in copywriting and advertising. He learned how to write press releases that gave him exposure in media. Though he was very shy--remembering a time when he had to prop himself up against a wall (because of nervousness) when trying to give a presentation to six people, he even became a public speaker!

After a while, he developed a clientele who were thrilled with his methods for increasing their business.

In 1999, he had hammered out an almost flawless marketing method.

Recently, he discovered the power of word-of-mouth advertising spreading through social media on the internet.

Back to 1999, Joe came up with his product called Guaranteed Outcome Marketing (GOM). He contacted some of his previous clients. Three of them hired him to create a GOM strategy for their businesses. They recognized value, and each of them paid Joe $25,000.00 for this information.

In April of 2,000, Mr. Vitale turned Guaranteed Outcome Marketing into an email course. At this time, 12 people latched on to the opportunity. Each of them signed confidentiality agreements, and Joe sent them bite-sized portions of his plan, and they put the steps into action. They were glad to pay $2,500.00 for these valuable strategies.

Following that, in December of 2001, Joe Vitale revised his Guaranteed Outcome Marketing material and combined it with other powerful techniques to produce his new book, Hypnotic Marketing Strategies. By 2002, it was ready to be released to the public. Immediately, and in the years that followed, it received lots of sales--actually thousands upon thousands of sales!

In 2006, Joe pulled Hypnotic Marketing Strategies off the market.

Several people persuaded Mr. Vitale to re-release his book. After saying, "no," to this request at least half-a-dozen times, Joe relented, but he wanted to produce a new version of the product.

The original Hypnotic Marketing Strategies included a three step plan. In March of 2008, Joe produced Hypnotic Marketing 2.0 which included the updated original three steps and a fourth that deals with the power of marketing through social media. He also included valuable bonus material with his new revision of an already outstanding course that had proven itself time and time again.

As fans of Joe Vitale, we wish him well in this endeavor.

To find out more about Hypnotic Marketing 2.0, Click Here!